mac os 10.10 wiki
mac os 10.10 wiki

OSXversion10.10,alsoknownasYosemite,istheeleventhmajorreleaseofOSX,AppleInc'sdesktopandserveroperatingsystemforMac ...,OSX10.10.5wasanupdatetoOSX10.10(Yosemite)thatwasreleasedbyAppleonAugust13,2015.Improvescompatibilitywithcertainemailserverswhen...

OS X Yosemite

OSXYosemite,orOSX10.10,istheeleventhmajorreleaseoftheOSXoperatingsystemthatwasreleasedon16October2014.Itwasannouncedon2June ...

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OS X 10.10 - Apple Wiki

OS X version 10.10, also known as Yosemite, is the eleventh major release of OS X, Apple Inc's desktop and server operating system for Mac ...

OS X 10.10.5 - Apple Wiki

OS X 10.10.5 was an update to OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) that was released by Apple on August 13, 2015. Improves compatibility with certain email servers when ...

Mac OS X10.10_百度百科

Mac OS X10.10是苹果公司开发的软件。苹果公司于美国时间(北京时间6月3日凌晨1点)在旧金山召开了2014全球开发者大会(WWDC14),带来最新的OS X 10.10, ...

OS X Yosemite

OS X Yosemite, or OS X 10.10, is the eleventh major release of the OS X operating system that was released on 16 October 2014. It was announced on 2 June ...

OS X Yosemite

OS X Yosemite is the eleventh major release of macOS, Apple Inc.'s desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. OS X Yosemite ... System requirements · Features · Other · Beta testing


OS X 10.10 Yosemite brought the most significant redesign of the operating system to date. Released on 16 October 2014 (2014-10-16), it further reduces heavy ...

OS X 10.10.x Firmware Downloads for Mac

Most downloads are a patch updater (upgrading directly from the previous version), or combo updater (upgrading from any earlier version in the same major ...

VPN manual for Mac OS X 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10

Install the Tunnelblick program. For Mac OS X 10.9 and 10.10 it is necessary to install Tunnelblick 3.4 or higher or it won't work correctly ...


macOS (formerly Mac OS X and OS X) is a Unix-based operating system developed by Apple for its Macintosh line of computers.

OS X Yosemite

OS X Yosemite(10.10版本)是蘋果公司為個人電腦和伺服器作業系統開發的OS X的第11個版本,供麥金塔電腦使用。蘋果公司於的蘋果公司全球軟體開發者年會上發布OS ...


OSXversion10.10,alsoknownasYosemite,istheeleventhmajorreleaseofOSX,AppleInc'sdesktopandserveroperatingsystemforMac ...,OSX10.10.5wasanupdatetoOSX10.10(Yosemite)thatwasreleasedbyAppleonAugust13,2015.Improvescompatibilitywithcertainemailserverswhen ...,MacOSX10.10是苹果公司开发的软件。苹果公司于美国时间(北京时间6月3日凌晨1点)在旧金山召开了2014全球开发者大会(WWDC14),带来最新的OSX10.10, ...,OSX...